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OverDrive & Libby
Borrow eBooks, Audiobooks, and digital magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app, by OverDrive.
Stream over 30,000 movies & documentaries from hundreds of popular producers as well as thousands of independent filmmakers.
Stay connected with the world with unlimited access to more than 7,000 newspapers & magazines (including The Economist) from over 120 countries, in 60
Experience unlimited access to craft classes. Paint, draw, sew, knit, bake, and design today.
Upgrade Your School Lunch Game
Find More Resources for Going Back to SchoolImage
Dictator Lunches: Inspired Meals that Will Compel Even the Toughest of (Tyrants) Children
Jenny Mollen
The Little Book of Lunch : 100 Recipes & Ideas to Reclaim the Lunch Hour
Caroline Craig and Sophie Missing