Find trustworthy information, explore history, or learn a new skill. We have dozens of online resources to help. Popular Guides & Resources Tutorials for Online Resources Learn how to use our popular online resources through video tutorials. The People's Archive Learn how to use unique resources that illustrate D.C.'s local history and culture. Support for Educators Learn about services for educators, educator cards with special borrowing privileges, class visits, and online resources. OverDrive & Libby Borrow eBooks, Audiobooks, and digital magazines to read on your phone, tablet, Kindle or computer. QuickSearch Discover what our collection has to offer and search across many of our databases for journals and articles. PressReader Stay connected with the world with unlimited access to more than 7,000 publications from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages. Find the Resources You Need Topic Arts & Music Biography & Genealogy Black Studies Books & Reading Business & Finance Consumer & Health Resources Create & Learn Early Literacy Español General Research & Encyclopedias Government & Law History & Social Sciences Homework Help Job & Career Language Learning Magazines & Journals Movies & Videos Newspapers Science & Technology Washington D.C. Audience Audience - Any - Kids Teens Adults All Ages Search by Keyword ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZTop A ABCmouse ABCmouse helps children 2 and older learn to read through phonics, and teaches lessons in math, social studies, art, music and more. Library card required Image Academic OneFile Select Research academic topics ranging from art and literature to economics and the sciences with Gale Academic OneFile Select. Library card required Image Accedia Noticias Encuentre artículos actuales y archivados de periódicos, revistas, y agencias de noticias de todo el mundo en español. Proporcionado por Newsbank. Library card required Image Access Video Stream documentaries, award-winning educational films, and instructional videos. Image Access World News Full-text access to newspapers from around the world. Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image African American Music Reference Essays and images on blues, jazz, spirituals, gospel, rhythm and blues, hip hop and rap and other forms of African American musical expression. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image America's Newspapers Search American newspapers and other sources of current and archived articles on issues, events, people, government and more. Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image American Song Stream music from America's past including songs about Civil Rights, Prohibition, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, anti-war protest & much more. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Ancestry Library Edition Get started with genealogy and explore the amazing history of you. Library card required Image Architectural Digest Archive Access the Architectural Digest Archive starting from its first issue in 1920. Library card required Image Archive-It Selected archived websites from The People's Archive. Find archived websites that document the culture and history of Washington, D.C. including music, artists, blogs, obituaries, politics, and government. Image Archives of Sexuality and Gender Explore LGBTQ history with primary source content on social, political, health, and legal issues impacting LGBTQ communities around the world with Gale Primary Sources. Library card required Image Atlantic, The The Atlantic features articles in the fields of politics, foreign affairs, business and the economy, culture and the arts, technology, and science. Library card required Image B Baltimore Sun, The Full page and article images of The Baltimore Sun newspaper from 1837-1991. Library card required Image Black Freedom Struggle in the United States Website focused on Black Freedom, featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. Image Bookflix Kids can explore educational topics through animated books, read-alongs, puzzles and games. Library card required Image Brainfuse HelpNow Connect to live online tutors for homework help, writing lab, test prep and more. Library card required Image Brainfuse JobNow JobNow provides live interview coaching, award-winning resume creation software, a writing lab, and helpful tips and tricks for landing the perfect career. Library card required Image Britannica Academic Comprehensive research tool and fact-checked online encyclopedia. Library card required Image Britannica Enciclopedia Moderna Enciclopedia destinada a estudiantes de secundaria completa con un diccionario, atlas y líneas de tiempo. Library card required Image Britannica Escolar Britannica Escolar está diseñado específicamente para estudiantes Primaria & Secundaria e incluye artículos, imágenes, videos y un atlas. Library card required Image Britannica Fundamentals! Engaging and fun learning experience for students in kindergarten through second grade. Library card required Image Britannica Image Quest Images from the world’s leading collections including Getty Images, National Geographic Society, and National Portrait Gallery of London. Library card required Image Britannica School Find information for homework and school projects by reading level, grade and age. Library card required Image Business Source Complete Provides coverage of business, management, and economics journals. Includes titles such as Forbes, Fortune and Harvard Business Review. Library card required Image C Classical Music in Video Stream classical music performances, masterclasses and interviews with master teachers from around the world. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Classical Music Library Stream classical music from the earliest times to the 21st century. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Classical Music Reference Library Learn more about the history of western classical music. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Classical Scores Library Find and print more than 45,000 classical music scores covering major classical genres and time periods from medieval to contemporary. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Comics Plus Digital comics, graphic novels, and manga for all readers. Library card required Image Consumer Reports Research thousands of products with test results, ratings, recommendations and buying guides. Library card required Image Consumers' Checkbook Research and compare local products and services with regional reviews. Library card required Image Contemporary World Music Stream contemporary music from every continent around the world. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Creativebug Experience unlimited access to craft classes. Paint, draw, sew, knit, bake, and design today. Library card required Image D D.C. Regional Newspapers Full-text access to D.C. Metro newspapers (excluding The Washington Post). Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image Dance in Video Stream dance productions and documentaries by the most influential performers and companies from the 20th Century. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image DCist Archive Web archive, captured by The Wayback Machine, of local Washington D.C. online news source, DCist. DCist covered news, politics, arts, culture, and events in Washington, D.C., and is owned by WAMU 88.5. Image DemographicsNow Access demographic reports on any geography for information including income, race, age, education, retail spending, businesses and more with Gale Business: DemographicsNow. Library card required Image Dig DC Selected digital collections from The People's Archive. Find photos, maps, oral histories, and newspapers documenting the history of Washington D.C. Image Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867–1970 Digital Sanborn Maps (1867-1970) delivers detailed property and land-use records that depict the grid of everyday life in Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia. Library card required Image E Ebony Magazine Archive Access the Ebony Magazine Archive starting from its first issue in 1945 through 2014. Library card required Image Ethnic Newswatch Full-text coverage from ethnic and minority press publications. Library card required Image Evening Star Research local news and history in the long considered "hometown paper of record" for the nation's capital from 1852-1981. Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image F Federal Surveillance of African Americans Collection of Justice Department's and its Federal Bureau of Investigation's widespread investigation of those deemed politically suspect. Library card required Image Fight For Racial Justice And The Civil Rights Congress Learn more about the Civil Rights Congress (CRC) involvement in civil rights and civil liberties. Library card required Image Freegal Music+ Download and stream music twenty-four hours every day from popular music labels such as Sony Music. Library card required Image G Gale Business: Entrepreneurship Resources to help you start your new business. Library card required Image Gale Business: Insights Research global companies and industries with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data and comprehensive reports. Library card required Image Gale eBooks Digital encyclopedias and reference resources on a range of subjects from art, business, history, literature, medicine, multicultural studies and science. Library card required Image Gale General OneFile Search articles in a wide range of general and academic topics with Gale General OneFile Library card required Image Gale in Context: Biography Learn about the people who make history. Searches can be based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, or gender. Library card required Image Gale in Context: Elementary Social studies, science, language arts and more for grades 1-5. Library card required Image Gale in Context: Global Issues International viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics and current events. Library card required Image Gale in Context: High School Browse topics to help with papers, projects and presentations. Library card required Image Gale in Context: Middle School Research cultures, history, science and social issues for students in grades 6-8. Library card required Image Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints Brings together all the information that's needed to fully understand an issue. Library card required Image Gale in Context: Science Current and up-to-date science topics. For middle school and high school learners. Library card required Image Gale in Context: U.S. History Discover American history from pre-colonial times to the present. Library card required Image Gale Literature Resource Center Access biographies, literary criticism, and reviews on writers of all disciplines, from all time periods, from around the world with Gale Literature Resource Center. Library card required Image Gale OneFile: High School Edition Research content for high school students. Library card required Image Gale OneFile: Informe Académico Una colección de revistas hispánicas con textos completos. Library card required Image Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Learn more about the music of the world's peoples. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Government Documents DC Public Library serves as a Federal Depository Library. Depository libraries provide free access to U.S. Government information. Image H Harvard Business Review Access full text historical and current Harvard Business Review articles from 1922 to the present. Library card required Image HeritageHub Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research, 1704 – today. Previously named America's Obituaries and Death Notices by Newsbank. Library card required Image HeritageQuest Get started with genealogy and discover your family history. Library card required Image Historical Black Newspapers This historical newspaper collection provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Library card required Image History Commons African American Newspapers, including Washington, D.C. resources, emphasizing eyewitness accounts of events during the 19th century. Formerly named Accessible Archives. Library card required Image HistoryMakers Digital Archive The nation's largest African American video oral history collection with high-quality primary source content, with fully searchable transcripts, from thousands of people from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. Library card required Image I Internet Archive Internet Archive is a non-profit online library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. Image J Jazz Music Library Stream jazz music from every genre and time period. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image Jet Magazine Archive Access the Jet Magazine Archive starting from 1970 through 2014. Library card required Image Job & Career Accelerator Everything you need for a successful job search. Explore occupations, search for jobs, create resumes, and improve skills. Library card required Image JSTOR JSTOR contains the full-text of more than 2,300 journals from 1,000 publishers, available in more than 60 disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences and mathematics. Library card required Image Just for Kids Access Video Stream popular children videos and TV shows including Sesame Street, Arthur, Reading Rainbow, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Franklin and more. Image K Kanopy Stream over 30,000 movies & documentaries from hundreds of popular producers as well as thousands of independent filmmakers. Library card required Image Kanopy Kids Stream a selection of educational and enriching videos on Kanopy Kids with developmentally appropriate, age-based ratings from Common Sense Media. Library card required Image Khan Academy A free online resource offering practice exercises and videos in math and science. Videos for Kindergarten through High School. Image L Learning Express Library Practice tests for improving skills and passing academic and licensing exams. Library card required Image Learning Express Library: Recursos para Hispanohablantes Desde mejorar sus habilidades de lectura, escritura y matemáticas hasta prepararse para el GED, estos recursos lo ayudarán a alcanzar sus metas. Library card required Image Legal Forms Access customizable standard legal forms, specifically drafted by attorneys for the District of Columbia, with Gale Legal Forms. Library card required Image Life Magazine Archive Access the Life Magazine Archive starting from its first issue in 1936 through 2000. Library card required Image LinkedIn Learning Learn business, technology, computer and creative skills to meet your personal or professional goals. Library card required Image M Mango Languages Learn new languages and cultural skills. Library card required Image MedlinePlus National Library of Medicine’s database of health information. Includes information on over 750 health topics, drugs and supplements, medical encyclopedia, dictionaries, interactive tutorials and surgery videos. Image MedlinePlus (en Español) MedlinePlus tambien le ofrece mucha informacion sobre medicamentos, una enciclopedia medica ilustrada, programas interactivos para el paciente y las mas recientes noticias acerca de la salud. Image Mergent Archives Complete archive of the Mergent/Moody's Manuals of corporate and securities information from 1909-present. Library card required Image Mergent Market Atlas Mergent Market Atlas includes business descriptions, corporate histories, and financial statements from active and inactive U.S. and international public companies. Updated daily. Image Mergent Online Business descriptions, corporate histories, and financial statements from active and inactive U.S. and international public companies. Library card required Image Morningstar Library Edition Make the most of your investments. Identify stocks, mutual funds and ETFs that meet your needs. Library card required Image Music & Dance Online Music and Dance Online delivers a large, diverse catalog of music content for students, scholars and patrons of the arts. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image N National Geographic Virtual Library View the complete archive of National Geographic Magazine and National Geographic Traveler. Library card required Image National Newspaper Core Includes Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. Library card required Image New York Times Access The New York Times articles from 1851-present. Library card required Image New York Times Digital Unlimited access, both onsite and remote, to The New York Times website and app. Image This portal includes newspapers from Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia from the late 1700s into the 1960s. Image Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides a window into events, culture and daily life in nineteenth-century Washington D.C. & America. Library card required Image NoveList Plus Discover new book titles based on your interests or reading preferences. Library card required Image NoveList Plus K-8 Discover new book titles based on your interests or reading preferences, with recommendations for grades K-8. Library card required Image O O'Reilly for Public Libraries eBooks and videos on topics such as business, career development, data, design, hardware, security, software development and system administration. Library card required Image Opera in Video Stream opera performances from staged productions, interviews and documentaries. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image OverDrive & Libby Borrow eBooks, Audiobooks, and digital magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app, by OverDrive. Image Oxford English Dictionary Get English language definitions, origins and history. Library card required Image P Peterson’s Test and Career Prep Search college and graduate schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests, create resumes and explore careers. Library card required Image Popular Music Library Popular Music Library contains a wide range of popular music from around the world. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image PressReader Stay connected with the world with unlimited access to more than 7,000 newspapers & magazines (including The Economist) from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages. Library card required Image ProQuest eLibrary ProQuest eLibrary is a user-friendly general reference tool that provides content, context and pathways to beginning researchers. Library card required Image Publication Finder Search our collection of Journals, Periodicals, and Newspapers by title or browse by discipline. Library card required Image PubMed A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. Image Q QuickSearch Discover what our collection has to offer and search across several of our databases for direct access to full-text articles, videos, music and more. Formerly named EBSCO Discovery Service. Library card required Image R Ralph J. Bunche Oral Histories Collection on the Civil Rights Movement Interview transcripts of individuals who made history during the Civil Rights Movement. Library card required Image Reference Solutions Research and analyze U.S. public and private businesses by geography, sales volume, industry and size. Library card required Image S ScienceFlix Enhance STEM learning with films and online books. Library card required Image Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries Stream over albums from a virtual encyclopedia of the world's music and aural traditions including Smithsonian Folkways albums. Provided by Alexander Street Press. Library card required Image T TumbleBooks Enjoy animated books, read-alongs, eBooks, language learning, educational videos, puzzles and games for grades K-5. Image U Universal Class Learn something new with Universal Class. Continuing education credits available. Library card required Image V Value Line Get the tools to make profitable investment decisions. Library card required Image Very Short Introductions Discover a new topic or subject with these intelligent and serious introductions written by authors who are experts in their field. Library card required Image W Wall Street Journal Full-text access, from 1984-present, to The Wall Street Journal, the financial newspaper of record. Library card required Image Washington Blade The Washington Blade has been Washington, D.C.’s principal LGBTQ newspaper since 1969. Dig DC contains digitized editions from 1969-1996. Library card required Image Washington Business Journal Washington Business Journal provides comprehensive business coverage of Washington, D.C., and neighboring cities & counties in Virginia & Maryland. Library card required Image Washington Post Full text access to The Washington Post, from 1877-present. Library card required Image Washington Post Digital Unlimited access to The Washington Post website and app. Library card required Image Washington Times The Washington Times, established in 1982, covers events in Washington, D.C., the nation and the world. Library card required Image Watch & Learn Library Watch & Learn Library is made especially for young learners, pre-k through 3rd grade, to help expand their vocabulary and comprehension. Library card required Image Women in the Life Magazine Magazine for lesbians of color published by Women in the Life Association focusing on culture, politics and health. Library card required Image