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Six Rennovation Principles

  • The DC Public Library (DCPL) will optimize the utilization of the historic landmarked Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library as a central library. This may result in adding an additional 5th floor suite for use by the library to accommodate the library program.
  •  DCPL will emphasize the programmatic needs of District residents in the renovation of the building while recognizing that a downtown central library will also serve as a destination in the Nation’s Capital. 
  • DCPL will focus on how the building and its library services interact with the surrounding neighborhood including, but not limited to, neighbors, tourists, and vulnerable populations.
  •  DCPL will seek mixed-use options. For instance, mixed use within the structure where library services occur and/or mixed-use with an addition above.  All mixed-use options will be judged from a financial, programmatic and ownership framework. 
  • DCPL will respect and honor the landmark including its interaction with the appropriate regulatory bodies.
  •  DCPL will respect and honor the historical significance of the building and the legacy of its namesake Martin Luther King Jr. by encouraging a design that ensures the vitality and functionality of the building as a 21st Century center for learning, community and exploration.