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Approved Sept. 9, 2013

This policy establishes the use of District of Columbia Public Library (DCPL) meeting rooms and study rooms at all its facilities. Library meeting rooms and study rooms are maintained for the primary use by the library to accomplish its mission. The library does not discriminate in making its premises available for use on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, culture or ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, individual lifestyle, political affiliation or physical limitation. There is no fee for the use of individual meeting or study rooms. 

If a meeting room or study room is not scheduled for a library-related function, a city-sponsored activity or an event by a library programming partner, members of the public with an active DC Public Library card may apply to use the room in accordance with the procedures and rules listed on the library’s website. Each request is considered on an individual basis according to the overall number of requests pending; availability of rooms, library priorities, and reservations may be modified or cancelled at the library’s discretion.

Meeting room reservations are given consideration on a first-come, first-served basis no more than two (2) months ahead of time. To ensure equitable use of library facilities, the library reserves the right to limit usage to three (3) consecutive hours per group and no more than three (3) meetings per thirty (30) day period throughout the library system. Please note that this limit may not be circumvented by different individuals using their names to register the same group, or by a group using different names. Study rooms are limited to two uses per day.
Permission to use a library meeting room or study room in no way constitutes endorsement by the District of Columbia Public Library. No printed or electronic advertisement or announcement implying such endorsement is permitted, nor is the use of the Library’s logo.

Download Meeting Room Rules from the DC Register:
Meeting Room Rules for MLK
Meeting Room Rules and for Branches

For all DC Public Library Rules, please visit: DC Public Library Rules of Behavior.