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Acclaimed Author Jonathan Eig and Civil Rights Icon Eleanor Holmes Norton Offer New Perspectives on Martin Luther King Jr.'s Activism

Since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, his legacy has often been reduced to a simple dream. However, a candid conversation between renowned author Jonathan Eig and Civil Rights Movement icon Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton aims to re-examine the complexity of Dr. King's life and work outlined in Eig's new book "King: A Life."

In the dialogue, Eig and Norton will discuss Dr. King's multifaceted activism, encompassing economic justice, labor rights, and opposition to the Vietnam War. They will explore how his message of nonviolence was implemented and why his popularity faded in his final years as his critiques turned to capitalism and racism.

Eig will discuss his approach to writing about Dr. King and his book's fresh perspectives on King's multifaceted activism. Congresswoman Norton, who has dedicated her life to advocating for marginalized communities, will shed light on Dr. King's fight for labor rights and economic justice. Norton, a staunch supporter of DC statehood, will also touch upon the ongoing relevance of Dr. King's work in the battle for voting rights and political representation. As a distinguished Black feminist lawyer, civil servant, and educator, Norton has tirelessly advocated for the rights of African Americans, women, DC residents, and other historically disenfranchised groups.

The conversation between Eig and Norton explores Dr. King's life and work, delving into his radical activism, societal critiques, and his unwavering commitment to equity. By sharing their insights, they hope to encourage a broader understanding of King's legacy, recognizing the full scope of his impact on American society.

The event will be held at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library on Sunday, May 21. Copies of King: A Life will be available for purchase and signing in partnership with Politics and Prose Bookstore. To learn more and register, visit

Audiences: Adults
Topic: Author Talk