This year many of our neighbors will celebrate Hanukkah, starting the evening of Thursday, Dec. 7 through Friday, Dec. 15. Hanukkah is a winter "festival of lights." Families mark the occasion by lighting a menorah each night, sharing gifts, and enjoying special foods. The word Hanukkah means "dedication," The lighting of the menorah symbolizes the story of a miracle where in the second century BC, the Maccabees reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and rededicated it. They only had enough oil to light the Temple's Menorah for one night but the supply lasted for eight whole nights. Whether your family is excitedly preparing for your Hanukkah celebration or you are just looking to learn more about the holiday, DC Public Library has eight great picture books for children and families to enjoy on all eight nights of Hanukkah. Put them on hold and/or check them out with your DC Public Library Card today!

Meet the Latkes, Alan Silberberg
Lucy Latke's family is just like yours or mine. Except that they're potato pancakes. And also, they are completely clueless. After lighting the menorah and gobbling the gelt, Grandpa Latke tells everyone the Hanukkah story, complete with mighty Mega Bees who use a giant dreidel to fight against the evil alien potatoes from Planet Chhh. It's up to the Latke family dog to set the record straight. (To start with, they were Maccabees, not Mega Bees...) But he'll have to get the rest of the Latkes to listen to him first!

Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas, Pam Ehrenberg
In this sweet and humorous picture book, Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas, a multi-cultural family (Mom's Indian; Dad's Jewish) celebrate Hanukkah while incorporating traditional Indian food. Instead of latkes, this family celebrates Hanukkah with tasty Indian dosas. To her brother's chagrin, little Sadie won't stop climbing on everything both at home and at the Indian grocery store, even while preparing the dosas. As the family puts the finishing touches on their holiday preparations, they accidentally get locked out of the house. Sadie and her climbing skills just may be exactly what is needed to save the day.

The Mexican Dreidel, Linda Elovitz Marshall and Ilan Stavans
Danielito loves Janucá, especially playing dreidel. This year, he is old enough to visit Bobe by himself. Piñatas hang from the trees, and the kids in Bobe's neighborhood play with Mexican tops called trompos. Danielito does not have a trompo, but he has a dreidel. "What is that?" "¿Qué es eso?" the other kids ask, as they invite him to join their game. The trompos follow the dreidel as it spins through the neighborhood. And Danielito invited his new friends, nuevos amigos, to Bobe's house to celebrate Janucá.

The Eight Knights of Hanukkah, Leslie Kimmelman
It's the last night of Hanukkah and everyone is doing their part for the big celebration, but a dragon called Dreadful has other ideas. He roams the countryside, interrupting the party preparations. Lady Sadie must call upon the Eight Knights of Hanukkah to perform deeds of awesome kindness and stupendous bravery and put an end to the dragon's shenanigans. When Dreadful eats all the special donuts the baker made, Sir Lily helps the baker make more sufganiyot. Sir Alex makes a young lad a new dreidel after Dreadful scorched his original one. And on the Knights go--but when they finally catch up to Dreadful, a funny surprise awaits them! Leslie Kimmelman crafts a humorous and touching story out of a bit of wordplay and a love for a holiday that truly shines. Galia Bernstein's artwork is full of appeal and is sure to satisfy fantasy fans.

Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama, Selina Alko
Holiday time at Sadie's house means golden gelt sparkling under the Christmas tree, candy canes hanging on eight menorah branches, voices uniting to sing carols about Macabees and the manger, and latkes on the mantel awaiting Santa's arrival. Selina Alko's joyous celebration of blended families will make the perfect holiday gift for the many Americans who celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah.

Hanukkah Upside Down, Elissa Brent Weissman
From their homes in New York and New Zealand, cousins Noah and Nora decide to have a competition. Winter versus summer: Who can have the world's best Hanukkah? But as the eight nights of Hanukkah go on, the contest proves tougher than they imagined. Even as each cousin celebrates the holiday with their own unique traditions, they realize they have more in common than they thought. This warm, witty holiday story from acclaimed creators Elissa Brent Weissman and Omer Hoffmann shows that while there are countless ways to celebrate Hanukkah, family is what matters most.

The Hanukkah Hunt, Laura Gehl
Ruby and her family celebrate Hanukkah in a brand-new way. Ruby's cousin Avital is sad because her mom is going to be away on a work trip during Hanukkah. To help make sure Avital still has a happy holiday, Ruby plans an enormous eight-night treasure hunt. But will she be able to think up a good enough surprise for Avital to discover on the final night?

Hanukkah Bear, Eric Kimmel
Bubba Brayna makes the best latkes in the village, and on the first night of Hanukkah, the scent of her cooking wakes a hungry, adorable bear from his hibernation. He lumbers into town to investigate, and Bubba Brayna--who does not see or hear very well--mistakes him for her rabbi. She welcomes the bear inside to play the dreidel game, light the menorah, and enjoy a scrumptious meal. However, after her well-fed guest leaves, there's a knock at the door--it's the rabbi, and all of Brayna's other friends, arriving for dinner. But there are no latkes left--and together, they finally figure out who really ate them. Lively illustrations by Mike Wohnoutka, portraying the sprightly Bubba Brayna and her very hungry guest, accompany this instant family favorite, a humorous reworking of Eric A. Kimmel's earlier classic tale, The Chanukkah Guest. A traditional recipe for latkes is included in the back matter, along with interesting, digestible facts about the history and traditions of Hanukkah.