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Technology in Our Lives

This list considers five books that present thoughtful information about how tools and technology have changed over time, the problems and advantages of these changes, and where we might be heading next.

Eight Books for Eight Nights of Hanukkah

This year many of our neighbors will celebrate Hanukkah, starting the evening of Thursday, Dec. 7 through Friday, Dec. 15. Hanukkah is a winter "festival of lights." Families mark the occasion by lighting a menorah each night, sharing gifts, and enjoying special foods. The word Hanukkah means "dedication," The lighting of the menorah symbolizes the story of a miracle where when the Maccabees reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and rededicated it. They only had enough oil to light the Temple's Menorah for one night but the supply lasted for eight whole nights.

Read the Beat!

DC Public Library and Capital City Go-Go celebrating the beat of D.C. Designated the official music of D.C. in 2020, Go-Go music is a style of funk that originated in Washington in the 1970s. Known for heavy bass, driving percussion and call-and-response, the genre is one of the most popular music forms in the city. Learn more about the sound and culture that makes up the vibrant Go-Go music scene by checking out these great books with your DC Public Library card.

Books Celebrating Diwali

Diwali, also spelled Divali, is one of the major religious festivals in Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism, lasting for five days from the 13th day of the dark half of the lunar month Ashvina to the second day of the light half of the lunar month Karttika. Celebrated by more than 800 million people around the world, the word Diwali is Sanskrit and it means "row of lights."

Spooky and Cozy September Titles

If you’re ready for transitioning out of Summer and into Fall, but aren’t quite ready for something truly scary, picking up one of these books as your September read will hopefully achieve the right blending of cozy and spooky that preps you for the coming Autumn months.