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Service Alert

The Anacostia Library will be closed from Monday, July 22 - Sunday, Aug. 4 for a scheduled facilities project. Learn more on the Anacostia Library page.

This is a portal to the Wayback Machine web archive of  DCist, which covered news, politics, arts, culture, and events in Washington, D.C., and is owned by WAMU 88.5. This web archive captured DCist from 2004 to 2024. The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web founded by the Internet Archive and captures a website as it appeared on the day the website was crawled for preservation. Web archives are useful to see how a website changes over time or to access a website that may no longer exist. The Wayback Machine allows you to navigate through the captured website but does not provide access to outside-linked content. For example, if a captured website links out to social media, you will not be able to access the content. Some interactive applications like maps, charts, or videos are difficult to crawl and may not appear as expected.

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