Find trustworthy information, explore history, or learn a new skill. We have dozens of online resources to help. Popular Guides & Resources Tutorials for Online Resources Learn how to use our popular online resources through video tutorials. The People's Archive Learn how to use unique resources that illustrate D.C.'s local history and culture. Support for Educators Learn about services for educators, educator cards with special borrowing privileges, class visits, and online resources. OverDrive & Libby Borrow eBooks, Audiobooks, and digital magazines to read on your phone, tablet, Kindle or computer. QuickSearch Discover what our collection has to offer and search across many of our databases for journals and articles. PressReader Stay connected with the world with unlimited access to more than 7,000 publications from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages. Find the Resources You Need Topic Arts & Music Biography & Genealogy Black Studies Books & Reading Business & Finance Consumer & Health Resources Create & Learn Early Literacy Español General Research & Encyclopedias Government & Law History & Social Sciences Homework Help Job & Career Language Learning Magazines & Journals Movies & Videos Newspapers Science & Technology Washington D.C. Audience Audience - Any - Kids Teens Adults All Ages Search by Keyword ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZTop A Academic OneFile Select Research academic topics ranging from art and literature to economics and the sciences with Gale Academic OneFile Select. Library card required Image Accedia Noticias Encuentre artículos actuales y archivados de periódicos, revistas, y agencias de noticias de todo el mundo en español. Proporcionado por Newsbank. Library card required Image Access World News Full-text access to newspapers from around the world. Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image America's Newspapers Search American newspapers and other sources of current and archived articles on issues, events, people, government and more. Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image Architectural Digest Archive Access the Architectural Digest Archive starting from its first issue in 1920. Library card required Image Atlantic, The The Atlantic features articles in the fields of politics, foreign affairs, business and the economy, culture and the arts, technology, and science. Library card required Image B Baltimore Sun, The Full page and article images of The Baltimore Sun newspaper from 1837-1991. Library card required Image Britannica Academic Comprehensive research tool and fact-checked online encyclopedia. Library card required Image Britannica Enciclopedia Moderna Enciclopedia destinada a estudiantes de secundaria completa con un diccionario, atlas y líneas de tiempo. Library card required Image Britannica Escolar Britannica Escolar está diseñado específicamente para estudiantes Primaria & Secundaria e incluye artículos, imágenes, videos y un atlas. Library card required Image Britannica School Find information for homework and school projects by reading level, grade and age. Library card required Image Business Source Complete Provides coverage of business, management, and economics journals. Includes titles such as Forbes, Fortune and Harvard Business Review. Library card required Image C Consumer Reports Research thousands of products with test results, ratings, recommendations and buying guides. Library card required Image Consumers' Checkbook Research and compare local products and services with regional reviews. Library card required Image D D.C. Regional Newspapers Full-text access to D.C. Metro newspapers (excluding The Washington Post). Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image DCist Archive Web archive, captured by The Wayback Machine, of local Washington D.C. online news source, DCist. DCist covered news, politics, arts, culture, and events in Washington, D.C., and is owned by WAMU 88.5. Image Dig DC Selected digital collections from The People's Archive. Find photos, maps, oral histories, and newspapers documenting the history of Washington D.C. Image E Ebony Magazine Archive Access the Ebony Magazine Archive starting from its first issue in 1945 through 2014. Library card required Image Ethnic Newswatch Full-text coverage from ethnic and minority press publications. Library card required Image Evening Star Research local news and history in the long considered "hometown paper of record" for the nation's capital from 1852-1981. Provided by Newsbank. Library card required Image G Gale eBooks Digital encyclopedias and reference resources on a range of subjects from art, business, history, literature, medicine, multicultural studies and science. Library card required Image Gale General OneFile Search articles in a wide range of general and academic topics with Gale General OneFile Library card required Image Gale in Context: High School Browse topics to help with papers, projects and presentations. Library card required Image Gale in Context: Science Current and up-to-date science topics. For middle school and high school learners. Library card required Image Gale OneFile: High School Edition Research content for high school students. Library card required Image Gale OneFile: Informe Académico Una colección de revistas hispánicas con textos completos. Library card required Image H Harvard Business Review Access full text historical and current Harvard Business Review articles from 1922 to the present. Library card required Image HeritageHub Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research, 1704 – today. Previously named America's Obituaries and Death Notices by Newsbank. Library card required Image Historical Black Newspapers This historical newspaper collection provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Library card required Image History Commons African American Newspapers, including Washington, D.C. resources, emphasizing eyewitness accounts of events during the 19th century. Formerly named Accessible Archives. Library card required Image J Jet Magazine Archive Access the Jet Magazine Archive starting from 1970 through 2014. Library card required Image JSTOR JSTOR contains the full-text of more than 2,300 journals from 1,000 publishers, available in more than 60 disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences and mathematics. Library card required Image L Life Magazine Archive Access the Life Magazine Archive starting from its first issue in 1936 through 2000. Library card required Image N National Geographic Virtual Library View the complete archive of National Geographic Magazine and National Geographic Traveler. Library card required Image National Newspaper Core Includes Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. Library card required Image New York Times Access The New York Times articles from 1851-present. Library card required Image New York Times Digital Unlimited access, both onsite and remote, to The New York Times website and app. Image This portal includes newspapers from Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia from the late 1700s into the 1960s. Image Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides a window into events, culture and daily life in nineteenth-century Washington D.C. & America. Library card required Image O OverDrive & Libby Borrow eBooks, Audiobooks, and digital magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app, by OverDrive. Image Oxford English Dictionary Get English language definitions, origins and history. Library card required Image P PressReader Stay connected with the world with unlimited access to more than 7,000 newspapers & magazines (including The Economist) from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages. Library card required Image ProQuest eLibrary ProQuest eLibrary is a user-friendly general reference tool that provides content, context and pathways to beginning researchers. Library card required Image Publication Finder Search our collection of Journals, Periodicals, and Newspapers by title or browse by discipline. Library card required Image Q QuickSearch Discover what our collection has to offer and search across several of our databases for direct access to full-text articles, videos, music and more. Formerly named EBSCO Discovery Service. Library card required Image W Wall Street Journal Full-text access, from 1984-present, to The Wall Street Journal, the financial newspaper of record. Library card required Image Washington Blade The Washington Blade has been Washington, D.C.’s principal LGBTQ newspaper since 1969. Dig DC contains digitized editions from 1969-1996. Library card required Image Washington Business Journal Washington Business Journal provides comprehensive business coverage of Washington, D.C., and neighboring cities & counties in Virginia & Maryland. Library card required Image Washington Post Full text access to The Washington Post, from 1877-present. Library card required Image Washington Post Digital Unlimited access to The Washington Post website and app. Library card required Image Washington Times The Washington Times, established in 1982, covers events in Washington, D.C., the nation and the world. Library card required Image Women in the Life Magazine Magazine for lesbians of color published by Women in the Life Association focusing on culture, politics and health. Library card required Image